How Do You Wrap Christmas?
HOW DO YOU WRAP CHRISTMAS? Many start outdoors by wrapping their houses with lights. Lots and lots of lights. Even trees get wrapped in lights making more lights! Sometimes neighbors secretly try to out do each other with lights. And then there is that house or two that stand alone in the dark.
HOW DO YOU WRAP CHRISTMAS? Indoors! All over the walls, staircase, the furniture, even the floors with mats and rugs! Traditions vary but most homes include a Christmas tree. Those trees come in all shapes and sizes, fake and real, flocked or plain. And there's no limit to the imagination
HOW DO YOU WRAP CHRISTMAS? It is the dread of many but the "must do" for Christmas - shopping. There are more sales than there are snowflakes! Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Pre-Christmas Day Sales, Last Day Sales and the list goes on. Shopping in person or online is an exhausting adventure!
HOW DO YOU WRAP CHRISTMAS? Lots of ways to be sure. Some are fun. Some exhausting. Some are so distracting we lose sight of the real reason Christmas came about. Christ. Born some 2000 years ago, He was wrapped - in swaddling clothes. He came without the fanfare and festivities have today.
Christ came as the "LIGHT" of the world. A gift to us from the Father above. Let's wrap our thoughts and actions around Christ this Christmas with more prayers, more scripture reading, more adoration and worshiping Christ our King!